Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Boat naming contest winners!

We held a boat naming contest on Facebook. Here are the results:

After much deliberation, Jay and I have decided on the names for the boats. We couldn't decide on just two, and so decided to have a name for when the boats "transform" into a catamaran.

Sea Steak - Ryan Rau (Shannon's boat)
Moonstoner - David Rau (Jay's boat)
Boldy the Beluga Whale - David Rau (both boats put together as a catamaran)

Honorable Mentions:
Rainbow Peanut - Leah Tait
Testicles (pronounced Tes-ti-clees, similar to Hercules) & Scrotumus - Aaron Wooster
Kon Tiki and Lookfar - Joel Gohdes
Kick Back and Relax - Bernie Bedell

Winners of the contest will receive something "really cool" from our adventures (according to Jay. And David, you only get one thing despite having two winning names!). Honorable mentions will receive something "kinda cool". Thanks to all for the great submissions! We enjoyed reading through all of them.
