Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lake Erie Tribute

In honor of my... strong feelings towards Lake Erie I decided to write a poem to help channel my not so positive energy. This is the last I will speak of the lake of broken dreams.

Lost the ******* camera when I got up to pee,
Agitated waters bring out the... best in me.
Keep an eye on the wind and prepare for the worst,
Each day stuck on land weighs heavy on the purse.

Everyone we met was helpful and kind,
Receiving a ride was the best treat we could find.
Is it wrong to despise such a beautiful watery mass?
Each to his own, I say **** you Erie, you can kiss my ass.



  1. "I don't give a damn. I'm made out of laffy taffy mofo." - Lake Erie

  2. nice, glad you're out of erie

  3. Just wanted to post and let you know that my husband and I are really enjoying your updates. Hoping your journey continues safely!
